Jinmianshan/Scissors Rock Mountain (金面山/剪刀石山)

With its stony peaks that you can traverse with ropes, Jinmianshan is a popular trail for people wanting to experience a rugged hiking trail that’s less dangerous and easier to climb up than many other roped rocky trails on the island. It’s also a great place to see a Taipei sunset.

From atop the rocks, you can see Neihu, downtown Taipei, and Songshan. You can also catch a bit of Tamsui to the north. With the big rocks jutting into the sky, the clouds rolling through the green mountains around you, and the sun shining its rays over the Taipei buildings below, this is an opportunity to catch a sunset with a lot of variety in the image. And this place makes for a heck of a night view.

Getting down after the sun sets requires caution and a good headlamp!

Jinmianshan is situated in Neihu, not terribly hard to get to via public transport. You can take the Brown Line or the 247 Neihu Main Line bus to Xihu Station and walk about 15 minutes to the trailhead. There’s also a number of shuttle buses like the BL20 and BL27 that stop a few minutes away at Takming University of Science and Technology.

Nearest Station(s)

  • Takming University of Science and Technology (Huanshan) | Last bus BL20: 22:00 (Timetables)
  • Takming University of Science and Technology (Huanshan) | Last bus BL27: 23:00 (Timetables)
  • MRT Xihu Station | Last Brown Line train: 00:52 towards Nangang Exhibition Center; 00:18 towards Taipei Zoo (no timetables for brown line)
  • MRT Xihu Station | Last Neihu Main Line bus: 00:00 (Timetables)

Parking Info

There is residential parking at the trailhead and a small parking lot.



Lit After Dark?


Sunset Perspective Rating (1-10; 1 is the least perspectives to see the sunset, 10 is the most)


Crowded Factor (1 is the least crowded, 10 is the most crowded)


Hike Difficulty (0-10; 0 = no hike, 1 = easiest, 10 = hardest)

5 – round trip 40-60 minutes; the ropes section can be daunting especially on wet days

Return Factor (1-10; 1 = simplest, 10 = hardest/most dangerous)


Popular for Night Views?


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