Badouzi (八斗子)

When I first came to Taiwan I stayed in Keelung, and Badouzi was the first place I went. On that night I happened to see one of the prettiest sunsets I’ve ever seen, and in the following few weeks I went back there five or six times because I couldn’t get enough.

Since then I periodically go back to Badouzi when I can, and each time I get a warm feeling. Part of it is the nostalgia of first arriving in Taiwan, but there’s also so much beauty to be seen here.

There’s couples, families, people of all ages relaxing next to the coast. There’s people fishing down on the rocks, and boats coming and going from Keelung Harbor. Some boats are coming in from Keelung Isle directly ahead.

There are trails which snake along the rocky green coast. There are multiple types of viewing platforms. There are unique rock formations, like the algae-covered Daping Shore. There’s the romantic Wangyou Valley. There’s kite flying at Chaojing Park. There’s the famous coastal broom art.

So much happening here, and when the lighting is right at sunset time, the hustle and bustle and lines and colors all take a new beautiful shape. This is coastal sunset beauty at its best.

From the higher viewing platforms looking towards the sun in the west, you can see the edges of Keelung Harbor, the three chimneys of Baimiweng Fort, the Heping Bridge stretching to Heping Island, and the Badouzi Fishing Harbor. Depending on the season, you’ll catch most of the sun’s journey down until it goes behind the mountains to the northwest.

Badouzi is the ultimate place to walk around and see the sights and capture the beauty from different spots. You can spend a whole afternoon here and leave after the sun sets.

Getting here is not too hard. You can take the bus 2088A from Taipei City Hall, or there are many other bus options from downtown Keelung. If you’re coming by the 2088A bus, you can get off at Tiaohe Market and come up from Chaojing Park, or you can get off at National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium and walk up the trail on the left side.

There’s also two train stations close to the entrance, as well as plenty of parking lots in and by Badouzi.

Nearest Station(s)

  • Tiaohe Market | Last bus 2088A: 23:00 weekdays, 22:00 weekends (Timetables)
  • National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium | Last bus 2088A: 23:00 weekdays, 22:00 weekends (Timetables)
  • Badouzi Station or Haikeguan Station| Last train: 18:15 or 18:18 when I looked but times could vary – see Timetables)

Parking Info

There are a couple parking lots in the middle behind Wangyou Valley, on the right by Chaojing Park, and street parking + walking on the left side.



Lit After Dark?


Sunset Perspective Rating (1-10; 1 is the least perspectives to see the sunset, 10 is the most)


Crowded Factor (1 is the least crowded, 10 is the most crowded)


Hike Difficulty (0-10; 0 = no hike, 1 = easiest, 10 = hardest)

0; 2 if you walk on the trail; some stairs and a bit of an uphill climb, but not too strenuous, though can get slippery

Return Factor (1-10; 1 = simplest, 10 = hardest/most dangerous)


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