Airplane Alley (飛機巷)

For you aviation lovers out there, this is a wonderful place to see planes landing and taking off at Songshan Airport, literally right next to the runway. Doing so at sunset time is a popular choice, as you get an open view of the sky and Taipei 101 in addition to the extremely close planes.

This is not too hard to get to by public transit. Bus 49 is a good option from Main Station that stops pretty close to the viewing point (get off at The Second Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market).

Since the destination is really just a small alley, scooter and YouBike are also popular choices. You can stop on the side and watch for a bit, then continue on your way.

Make sure to check arrivals/departures on the Songshan Airport website. Even if you don’t care much about seeing planes, the sight of them coming and going right above your head is thrilling (and frightening for some!) Depending on where the sun is, you might be able to get a shot of a close plane and the sunset all in one.

For those of you who want to keep your ears in tact, bring earplugs!

Map Link

Nearest Station(s)

  • The Second Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market | Last bus 49: 22:00 (Timetables)
  • MRT Zhongshan Junior High School Station | Last Brown Line train: 00:40 towards Nangang Exhibition Center; 00:30 towards Taipei Zoo (Timetables)

Parking Info

There is minimal parking along the narrow alley.



Lit After Dark?


Sunset Perspective Rating (1-10; 1 is the least perspectives to see the sunset, 10 is the most)


Crowded Factor (1 is the least crowded, 10 is the most crowded)


Hike Difficulty (0-10; 0 = no hike, 1 = easiest, 10 = hardest)


Return Factor (1-10; 1 = simplest, 10 = hardest/most dangerous)


Popular for Night Views?


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