Lion’s Head Mountain Quanhua Temple (獅頭山勸化堂)

Lion’s Head Mountain is a series of hiking trails in at the border of Hsinchu and Miaoli.

There are multiple temples here, one of those being Quanhua Temple. Situated on the side of the mountain, this spot offers a spectacular view of the sunset. The colors and angles of the temple and lanterns here combine with the design of the temple, which seemingly slopes down along with the mountains, and give the temple great perspective viewing for photography.

Depending on time of year and weather conditions (it gets cloudy often in these mountains), the sunset will be ahead of you.

This is quite a peaceful place to watch the sun go down; there are often religious chants and songs played at certain times of the day that make this place all the more special. And, because the area is a bit inaccessible, there aren’t usually a lot of people here.

It’s best to drive here, but if you’re taking public transportation, you can get on the 5805A bus from Zhunan Train Station (East) and get off at Shishan Intersection (Longmenkou). From that stop, you’ll need to walk 30+ minutes (2.1 km) to the temple.

There are multiple parking lots on Lion’s Head Mountain, where you can hike the beautiful network of trails. You can also park at the Quanhua Temple parking lot to have the shortest walk.

Map Link

Nearest Station(s)

  • Xiazhuwei | Last bus 5805A: 18:20 (Timetables)
  • TRA Zhunan Station | Last train: varies by day (Timetables)

Parking Info

There are multiple parking lots at Lion’s Head Mountain, and one at Quanhua Temple.



Lit After Dark?


Sunset Perspective Rating (1-10; 1 is the least perspectives to see the sunset, 10 is the most)


Crowded Factor (1 is the least crowded, 10 is the most crowded)


Hike Difficulty (0-10; 0 = no hike, 1 = easiest, 10 = hardest)

0; 3 if you start elsewhere on the trail and walk to the temple

Return Factor (1-10; 1 = simplest, 10 = hardest/most dangerous)


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